Health & Wellness
Film Health & Wellness
Small Budget/Big Idea
Dr. Internet
- KonsultaMD
- Finalist Certificate
Film Small Budget/Big Idea
Best Use of Partnerships
Freaky Tuesday
- BBDO New York
- Dunkin'
- Finalist Certificate
Social Media & Influencer Best Use of Partnerships
Home Swede Home
- Jung Relations
- Svenska Spel
- Finalist Certificate
Sports Celebrity/Athlete/Influencer
Corporate Image
The Away Game
- Zulu Alpha Kilo
- Tim Hortons
- Finalist Certificate
Activation & Engagement Corporate Image
Brand Design
Generation Fluid
- Suyen Corporation
- Finalist Certificate
Design Brand Design
Best Use of Humor
Audio/Radio Best Use of Humor
Original Music
Dark Red
- Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
- Social Spot / DSD - Deutsche Stammzellspenderdatei
- Second Prize Award
Student Original Music
Social/Environmental Good: Brand
Avant-Garde/Innovative Social/Environmental Good: Brand
Social/Environmental Good: Brand
Public Relations Social/Environmental Good: Brand